

The Larynx is a part of the throat, between the base of the tongue and the trachea. The Larynx contains vocal cords, which vibrate and make sound when air is directed against them. The sound echoes through the pharynx, mouth and nose to make person’s voice.

Throat Cancer refers to:

Cancer of voice box
Vocal cord
Pharyngeal cancer
Laryngeal cancer

Throat Cancer refers to:

Voice misuse or overuse, Screaming
Smoking, Alcohol
Viral & bacterial infection


Change in voice Sore throat, Persistent cough
Difficulty in swallowing or speaking
Hoarse voice
Ear pain , headache
Swollen lymph nodes in my neck

If you have a voice change for more than 3 weeks it may be Cancer. Cancer can be cured, If detected early, hence diagnosis & treatment are important for successful outcome. So be aware of signs & symptoms of oral cancer.